Supporting Organisations

National Safety Council of Singapore
The National Safety Council of Singapore (NSCS) is a Non-Government Organization (NGO) to promote safety in all areas of life in Singapore including safety at work, safety on the roads, safety in the home and safety in recreational activities and sports and the community in general. https://www.nscs.org.sg/

Occupational & Environmental Health Society Singapore
The Occupational and Environmental Health Society (OEHS) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the promotion of occupational and environmental health in Singapore. http://www.oehs.org.sg/

Newcastle Australia Institute of Higher Education
Newcastle Australia IHE plays an important role in providing access to world-class higher education in Singapore and the broader region. Newcastle Australia IHE leverages the University of Newcastle’s academic excellence to create distinctiveness, enhance its global reputation, and achieve national and regional recognition. https://newcastleaustralia.edu.sg/

IOSH Singapore
The Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) is the Chartered body and largest membership organisation for safety and health professionals. It acts as a champion, adviser, advocate, and trainer for health and safety professionals working in organisations of all shapes and sizes, in around 130 countries. IOSH Singapore Branch

Red Cross Singapore
An independent humanitarian organisation dedicated to protecting human life and dignity, relieving human suffering and responding to emergencies. https://www.redcross.sg/

Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Singapore
HFESS is a special interest group to promote the awareness of Human Factors and Ergonomics (HFE) in Singapore. This society advocates the application of such knowledge to achieve compatibility in the design of interactive systems between humans, machines, and environments to ensure effectiveness, safety, ease of use and performance. https://www.hfess.org/

World of Safety & Health Asia
Trailblazing the WSH Industry across digital platforms! World of Safety & Health Asia curates safety and health information into a one-stop platform for the benefit of all stakeholders. We help thousands of safety practitioners in Asia continue their professional development with our regular updates on the latest OSH solutions! Visit us at wshasia.com.

Occupational Hygiene Training Association
The Occupational Hygiene Association (OHTA) is a Non-Government Organisation (NGO) that was established as an international training scheme and qualifications framework which provides high-quality training materials in several languages and the infrastructure for low-cost training courses, as part of an internationally recognised programme of study. https://ohtatraining.org/

International Occupational Hygiene Association
IOHA was established to improve, promote and develop occupational hygiene worldwide through its member organisations, and to improve and maintain a safe and healthy working environment for all. IOHA provides an international voice for the occupational hygiene profession through its recognition as a non-governmental organisation (NGO) by both the ILO (International Labour Organisation) and WHO (World Health Organisation). https://www.ioha.net/

Indonesian Industrial Hygiene Association
The Indonesian Industrial Hygiene Association (IIHA) is a voluntary, non-profit, non-governmental professional credentialing organization. IIHA was established on the 12th January 2016 and officially approved by Ministry of Human Right and Law – Republic of Indonesia by the 10th February 2016. https://iiha.id/

Malaysian Industrial Hygiene Association
MIHA is a non-profit professional organisation founded in 2003. It serves the needs of its members in promoting the field of Industrial Hygiene, providing education and training, forums for the exchange of ideas and information plus representing the interests of industrial Hygienists and those they provide service for. https://miha2u.org/

Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Malaysia
At Human Factors & Ergonomics Society Malaysia, we are dedicated to shaping the future through strategic planning rooted in the principles of human factors and ergonomics. Our approach integrates an understanding of human behavior, cognitive processes, and physical capabilities to optimize environments for safety, efficiency, and well-being. With a focus on enhancing user experience and performance, we strategically plan initiatives to address ergonomic challenges and promote sustainable solutions. https://hfem.org/

NUS College of Design and Engineering
Our vision is to be a leading college uniting creative minds to build a better future. To meet the needs of a rapidly-evolving and complex world, we have imagined and created a future-focused, interdisciplinary learning and research programme. By fusing NUS’ world-class Faculty of Engineering and School of Design and Environment, we aim to advance explorations, applications and professions in the fields of engineering and design. https://cde.nus.edu.sg/

Heat Resilience & Performance Centre Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine
Our mission is to create holistic and forward-looking solutions that boost human resilience to rising ambient heat. https://medicine.nus.edu.sg/hrpc/

Asia Pacific Occupational Safety & Health Organization
The Asia-Pacific Occupational Safety and Health Organization (APOSHO) is an international body composed of non-profit professional organizations devoted to the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases. https://www.aposho.org/aposho/main.do

NSCA Foundation
NSCA Foundation is a not for profit, member-based association with a vision focused on helping organisations protect your most important asset — your people. Since 1927, we have continued to inspire, educate, inform and engage the Australian work health and safety profession to create and sustain safe and healthy workplaces. https://www.nscafoundation.org.au/