
The Annual Ergonomics & Hygiene Conference & Exhibition will be held on 14-15 August 2024 in Singapore. This conference is hosted by IEH Singapore and co-organised by OEHS, HFESS, HFEM, IOSH Singapore, and the University of Newcastle. This is a unique forum for Occupational Hygienists, Ergonomists, and all Health & Safety professionals alike to network and share their best practices.
Staged over 2 days, the conference and exhibition is a programme with an audience of about 250 attendees, made up of occupational hygienists, ergonomists, and other Health and Safety professionals.
This year’s conference theme is: From Vision to Action: Uniting Workplace Health with Sustainable Development Goals.
Join Occupational Hygienists, Ergonomists, and Health & Safety professionals in a dynamic forum fostering collaboration. Explore and exchange optimal methodologies, forging a healthier, safer future that aligns with Sustainable Development Goals. Connect, inspire, and drive change together.